For a bit more than the past year and a half, I have had the benefit of having Bhakta Brijesh serving as my personal assistant. He rendered a host of services–in particular, expertly managing the practical details of my life. Now he has returned home to London, where he’ll be connected with Bhaktivedanta Manor. (At the moment, he’s busy helping with the setup for this year’s annual Krishna conscious program in Glastonbury.) I thank him for his devoted personal assistance and wish him all the best in his Krishna conscious life. We plan to stay in touch.
My thanks are also due to Jayakesava Dasa, who assisted me on my most recent visits to India and Africa. Jayakesava has a gift for making friends within moments, so he naturally attracts people to Krishna consciousness. He leads kirtana splendidly and presents the philosophy of Krishna consciousness with clarity and conviction. Now he has returned to spreading Krishna consciousness in Canada and the United States. My best wishes to him as well (and he’s another man I hope to stay in touch with).
For my upcoming visit to the United States, assisting me for the summer will be Chris Diamond, a Krishna devotee who has been doing graduate work in Musicology (if I recall right) at SOAS in London, lately with field work in Jaipur. I look forward to traveling with him, and I thank him in advance–and wish him good luck!