An invocation for a conference on relationships among Hare Krishna devotees Alachua, Florida, August 14, 1993 An invocation is "a calling for," traditionally a calling for God, or these days more often a summoning forth of desired qualities within ourselves. I wouldn't suppose that you expect me to summon forth something valuable on my own. Rather, since this is a gathering of devotees--devotees of the sankirtana movement--I'd suppose my role should be to help us get started in doing that work of invocation together. To that end, I'd like first to suggest that we … [Read more...] about Invocation for a Conference on Spiritual Relationships
All articles by Jayadvaita Swami
All the articles by Jayadvaita Swami on
What are your plans for your retirement?
This evening at Bhaktivedanta Manor near London I led (forgive me if I have a hard time giving in to "facilitated") a discussion among senior Hare Krishna devotees--all over forty, most over fifty--concerning the vanaprastha asrama, the stage of "retired life" in Vedic culture. In the Vedic scheme, this retired stage is a time not for material complacency but for spiritual renewal. We talked about the opportunities this asrama offers, and also the issues it raises and the challenges it presents. More about this in a future posting. … [Read more...] about What are your plans for your retirement?
To begin. . .
Though a blog is a far cry from a formal work, let me begin by offering my respectful homage to my spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. It is by Srila Prabhupada's efforts that the spiritual message of devotional service to Lord Krishna has taken root in the West, has gained new vitality in India, and has spread all over the world. And it is by Srila Prabhupada's grace that he has given me the opportunity to assist him in his service to Lord Krishna. I hope that by the grace of my spiritual master and Krishna the thoughts in this web diary will be … [Read more...] about To begin. . .
Resources for editors
This will be a page on which to make available resources for editors. It will be accessible only to "members of the club." … [Read more...] about Resources for editors
Misleading Missionaries
from Back to Godhead, November-December 1993 Recently I attended a conference held to honor an Indian missionary who'd come to America a century ago bearing India's message of Vedanta. Though in America his name is now all but forgotten (if ever it was known), back home in India his fame lives on, his impact on the West still an item of national pride. The conference, a gala event put on for a million and a half dollars by a worldwide body of Hindus, featured, aside from singers, dancers, musicians, and politicians, an assembly of respected Indian swamijis discoursing on the … [Read more...] about Misleading Missionaries
Who is that Girl with Krishna
From Back to Godhead, 1974 When people see a picture like the one you see here, they often ask, "Who is that girl with Krishna?" The answer is that She is Srimati Radharani, Krishna's pleasure potency. The devotees of the Krishna consciousness movement humbly try to glorify Srimati Radharani because by Her mercy one can advance wonderfully in Krishna consciousness. What Is the Pleasure Potency? Everyone naturally wants to enjoy, yet no one is fully independent in finding enjoyment. To satisfy our desires, we need the association of others. We use the expression "to enjoy oneself," but … [Read more...] about Who is that Girl with Krishna
How Manipur Became a Krishna Conscious State
from Back to Godhead, November-December 1995 The Vedic scriptures tell us that Manipur was a Krishna conscious land even more than five thousand years ago. But for the last several centuries the Manipuris have also worshiped various regional semi-historical deities, who hold a place in Manipuri culture even today. In modern times, worship of Vishnu first gained prominence in Manipur in the fifteenth century, during the reign of King Kyamba. It is said that the Pong king Khekhombha of the Shan kingdom gave Kyamba a Vishnu chakra (the symbolic disc of Vishnu). The presence of … [Read more...] about How Manipur Became a Krishna Conscious State
A Distant View of 9/11
This essay, read by Jayadvaita Swami, is available as an audiobook. Download (right-click - Save as...) The policy of wise rulers has always been to disguise strong acts under popular forms. Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800–1859) History of England, Volume 1 When it all happened on 9/11, I was away from the United States—in the Middle East, to be more precise. I didn’t watch the catastrophe on television; I didn’t have one. (I almost never watch tv, and rarely read newspapers.) And I can tell you that from my detached and distant vantage point the events looked very different … [Read more...] about A Distant View of 9/11
Suggested reading
Here are some books you can refer to for further information. Coming Back Life Comes from Life Bhagavad-gita As It Is Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation Children who Remember Previous Lives Cases of the Reincarnation Type Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects … [Read more...] about Suggested reading
Memories matched by congenital bodily conditions
Dr. Stevenson’s most recent contribution to studies of cases of the reincarnation type is an examination of cases in which birthmarks or birth defects seem to correspond to physical features of the "former person," often to fatal wounds. An unusual birthmark, for example, might correspond in shape and position to a previous person’s knife wound. Or severe and unusual birth defects in a person’s legs, defects in the form of ropelike constrictions, might correspond to the injuries of a previous person tied by the legs and killed A child, one may suppose, … [Read more...] about Memories matched by congenital bodily conditions
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