BBT press release
The “changes” for chapter two of Bhagavad-Gita As It Is will soon be online at
See the meaning Srila Prabhupada actually intended where the first edition said:
- working with the fruitive being situated in the fixed conception of the real self (text 1, purport)
- Neither Vedic knowledge nor modern science denies the existence of the spirit soul (text 17, purport)
- People will call you a coward even before your flight (text 34, purport)
- Restrictions are good only if one actually has a taste for Krsna consciousness (text 59, purport)
You’ll see:
- where a first-edition typist left out a line and lost Srila Prabhupada’s gloss for a word–and the second edition recovers it (text 3, purport)
- where Sanskrit quotations left out of the first-edition purports have been restored (texts 7, 39, 43, 56, 60, 63, and 72)
- where Srila Prabhupada’s word-for-word meanings had been replaced by word meanings that fit a different translation–a translation the book never used–and the second edition restores the original meanings (text 45)
- where the actual Sanskrit of a verse has been changed–back to what it should be (text 54)
All this and more, in a free, highly informative PDF download.
In this file you’ll see the revisions Jayadvaita Swami made to the purports, in the actual book where he made them. You’ll also see the revisions made to the word-for-word meanings. (The translations were done separately.)
Annotations give the reasons for most of the changes (and often also tell what Srila Prabhupada’s original manuscript said). Images show relevant portions of the manuscript itself, as well as two sample pages.
The scans for the Preface, the Introduction, and chapter one are already online at